Newsletter - July 14, 2016
FDA Clarifies: You Cannot Compound Approved Drugs
Last year, during the drug pricing debate triggered by Turing Pharma’s Martin Shkreli, a San Diego compounding pharmacy Imprimis Pharmaceuticals announced that it would offer a cheap compounded version of the expensive FDA-approved drug. At that time, we criticized Imprimis based on our belief that such a practice will jeopardize all approved drugs. This week FDA confirmed our concern and took measures to stop such activities by compounding pharmacies. Read More..
What Sunshine Act? Are Payments to Doctors by Companies Undeterred?
A review of the payments to physicians posted on the CMS Open Payment website indicates that there has been no decrease in the payments to physicians by companies. In 2015, drug companies paid $7.52 billion just like the $7.49 billion paid last year to more than 600,000 physicians of almost all kinds of specializations. The list of top 10 companies paying physicians stayed mostly the same. Read More..
FDA Clarifies: You Cannot Compound Approved Drugs
Last year, during the drug pricing debate triggered by Turing Pharma’s Martin Shkreli, a San Diego compounding pharmacy Imprimis Pharmaceuticals announced that it would offer a cheap compounded version of the expensive FDA-approved drug. At that time, we criticized Imprimis based on our belief that such a practice will jeopardize all approved drugs. This week FDA confirmed our concern and took measures to stop such activities by compounding pharmacies. Read More..
What Sunshine Act? Are Payments to Doctors by Companies Undeterred?
A review of the payments to physicians posted on the CMS Open Payment website indicates that there has been no decrease in the payments to physicians by companies. In 2015, drug companies paid $7.52 billion just like the $7.49 billion paid last year to more than 600,000 physicians of almost all kinds of specializations. The list of top 10 companies paying physicians stayed mostly the same. Read More..