Newsletter - March 10, 2016
Breakthrough Therapies in Europe: EMA Launches PRIME
The Breakthrough Therapy designation is perhaps one the strongest incentives available to developers of innovative therapies in the US. Since implementation of the Breakthrough designation in 2012, FDA has designated about 110 products and approved 30 new products in this category. Now European Medicines Agency (EMA) has created its own version similar to the US regulatory pathway, called the Priority Medicines or “PRIME”. Read More..
Tweeting to Recruit Patients: Social Media in Clinical Trials
Social media holds a great promise as a recruitment tool for clinical trials. One can argue that sponsors can create awareness for a given trial and get more potential subjects contact sites by using social media. The most common social media portal used in clinical trial recruitment is Facebook, followed by and advertisement on patient specific web-sites. However, not much data is available on using Twitter for recruitment. Read More..
Breakthrough Therapies in Europe: EMA Launches PRIME
The Breakthrough Therapy designation is perhaps one the strongest incentives available to developers of innovative therapies in the US. Since implementation of the Breakthrough designation in 2012, FDA has designated about 110 products and approved 30 new products in this category. Now European Medicines Agency (EMA) has created its own version similar to the US regulatory pathway, called the Priority Medicines or “PRIME”. Read More..
Tweeting to Recruit Patients: Social Media in Clinical Trials
Social media holds a great promise as a recruitment tool for clinical trials. One can argue that sponsors can create awareness for a given trial and get more potential subjects contact sites by using social media. The most common social media portal used in clinical trial recruitment is Facebook, followed by and advertisement on patient specific web-sites. However, not much data is available on using Twitter for recruitment. Read More..