Newsletter - March 8, 2018
Lessons from a “War” Between a Compounding Pharmacy and FDA
In an interesting development, a compounding pharmacy in Arkansas this week filed for a “Temporary Restraining Order” to prevent the FDA from shutting it down after an almost 5 years of back and forth with the FDA auditors and the company being on the verge of permanent closure by FDA. Read More
Federal Right-To-Try Law Gains Strength: Hope or False Hype
It seems that after about 5 years of attempts by supporters where Right-To-Try (RTT) laws were passed in about 40 states, the US Congress is getting ready to pass a Federal law that would, on paper, make experimental unproven drugs available to patients more easily. Read More
Lessons from a “War” Between a Compounding Pharmacy and FDA
In an interesting development, a compounding pharmacy in Arkansas this week filed for a “Temporary Restraining Order” to prevent the FDA from shutting it down after an almost 5 years of back and forth with the FDA auditors and the company being on the verge of permanent closure by FDA. Read More
Federal Right-To-Try Law Gains Strength: Hope or False Hype
It seems that after about 5 years of attempts by supporters where Right-To-Try (RTT) laws were passed in about 40 states, the US Congress is getting ready to pass a Federal law that would, on paper, make experimental unproven drugs available to patients more easily. Read More